Printed guides, posters, pop-up banners and a range of age-specific supplements are all available to support the implementation of five to thrive. In addition, we are adding a growing number of digital resources for professionals — from case studies and group exercises to valuable assessment tools.

These resources support and inform any professional discipline taking a relational approach to their work. For practitioners working with babies and young children, our resources replace Engage with Cuddle to prompt secure attachment relationships and ensure clarity about the need for physical closeness and touch. For all disciplines, working in communities across all stages of the human lifespan, the FTT resources provide a bedrock of shared understanding and a prompt to shared discovery.

For more information on five to thrive training and resources, or to discuss how the approach could be useful in your work, call KCA on 01453 488400 or visit our website .

Five to Thrive blocks - Respond, Cuddle, Relax, Play, Talk

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